Thursday, October 17, 2013

In Good Spirits

Sometimes you just need some time and company.

I have been blessed with great family and wonderful friends. I have spent time with them. They have heard my many complaints as well as my triumphs. As I've said before, I'm a talker. It makes me feel better to talk to people. Once it's left my mouth I feel comforted. So to those who have listened, including all those who have read this blog, I thank you from the bottom of my ever expanding heart.

Tomorrow my Mother-In-Law, Joan, and niece, Piper, come in for a visit from England. We are really excited and have been preparing for their arrival. You know what preparing for an in law is like, right? Yeah, tons of cleaning. I hate baseboards. They are so dirty! It has been a welcome distraction though. Thinking of what needs to be cleaned, dusted or bleached next doesn't leave a lot of brain power for HLHS.

Tomorrow also starts my new round of doctor's appointments. Tomorrow is my glucose test with my regular OB. The midwife asked me to refrain from sugar as much as possible the day before so the test has an even better change of coming out normal. So as I type this I am eating (gorging really) on Little Debbie's. I need help understanding moderation :/ Monday I go to the specialist for another sonogram. We get to see how big Baby Brother has gotten. He should be north of 2 and a half pounds so let's pray he is! Remember, the bigger he is the better his chances in surgery. Thursday we are back at the Pediatric Cardiologists office. Another sonogram but, of course, focusing on his heart. Last visit his aorta was measuring 2.6 millimeters. Then on Friday I have my first appointment with the new delivering OB from Baptist Hospital. Add to all of this I have 3 papers due next week for school, the in laws and typical stay at home mom duties and you have one tired Cassie! I'm looking forward to the craziness.

Many have asked what they can do for us during this time. I didn't really know how to answer that question because I don't really know what we will need. Now that I've thought about it here are some things that came to mind.

If you are the praying type and would like to offer prayers on behalf of us and our son we would ask for:

1. Complete healing if it be the Lord's will.

2. Strength for our family.

3. (Probably the most important!) Growth for Baby Brother. We need him big and strong! We need him big and we need his heart big. We need his aorta big and we need the rest of his heart to be able to work extra hard for him. The overall message to take from this is BIG! Seriously, I'm a scheduled C-Section. No pushing. So big is not a problem! Besides, have you seen me? He has plenty of room in this belly of mine. ;)

If you find yourself in the temple please add the Clarkson Family to the prayer roll. This will give us great comfort. To those who already have we thank you so much! I think it would be really awesome to have his name on every prayer roll in the country. Also, if you find yourself in the celestial room and happen to remember us, will you offer a prayer on our behalf?

We never know what our Father in Heaven has in store for us. Maybe complete healing is in the plan. Maybe it isn't. We are submissive to his ultimate plan and will take every blessing along the way.

At some point in the very near future we will be setting up a blood bank account for Baby Brother and will need donations. We are in a very weird situation with donating blood. I am pregnant (obviously) and they won't let me donate until 6 weeks past delivery, so I'm out. Jason, being from England, lived in Europe in the 80's with a madcow disease outbreak so they won't let him donate. Apparently anyone who visited or lived in Europe during this madcow outbreak is prohibited from giving blood. Ever. Even our service men and women who were there during that time. Anyway, we will need donations that we cannot give ourselves and those who are able we would welcome the donation. If donating blood isn't your thing we are totally cool with that. I'm not the donating type myself so no judgments or funny looks from us if you aren't the type.

Once Baby Brother gets here we will very gladly accept frozen dinners :) We have no idea what our schedule will be like but most of my family and friends know my sister and can get in touch with her for dinner deliveries or any other questions.

Lastly, and this is probably as important as prayers offered on our behalf, we will be asking for your time. The thought of our baby in the NICU without a loved one there is terrifying. We know babies heal so much better when they have someone there for love, comfort and touching. We are going to be asking if people are willing and able to donate blocks of time to go and sit with him to give Jason and I breaks. Also, we will be needing babysitters for our other two children. We don't want any of our children to be left without loving guidance, support and comfort. Of course I will know more once we get closer. And most likely my sister will be the point of contact through all of this. I haven't asked her yet so if you mention it to her make sure to ask if she's read the blog ;)

Time to go finish my office design project.


Katheryn said...

Cassie, I would happy to help with all of those things. Please let Casey know that I can put in time where ever needed - taking the kids to school, picking them up, keeping them after school, sitting in the hospital, etc., and of course making dinners. You are daily in our prayers.

Pam said...

Cassie, you already know that I'm there for you and your family and will help in whatever way I can. Love you!

Unknown said...

Consider it done - any of it! And thank you for allowing us to give/serve you & your family. Sometimes it's so hard to take a step back when you're so used to being the giver. :)

Ilene said...

Your in my prayers daily. If you need me I'm only a few min away. Casey I'm sure has read your post by now:) put me on the list to help too. I can baby sit, and do dinners. I'm O+ which is a universal donor, let me know about donating. I'll be at the temple tomorrow so know that your family will be in our prayers and on the temple prayer roll. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hello! My name is Jenny and my 4 year old daughter has HLHS. She had her last surgery two years ago and hasn't looked back since. She is in preschool and never stops talking. ;) I wanted to make sure you are aware of a group called Sisters by Heart. We are a group of moms of HLHS kiddos that put together an organization to offer support to newly diagnosed HLHS families. We have an awesome care package we would love to send you! If you go to our website ( and click on the Nominate a Family tab and fill out the form, we'll get one right out to you. I know how scared you right now- I've been there. It is a rough road but it is totally worth it. (((Hugs)))

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! I've been to the site and registered. :)

Unknown said...

Thank you Katheryn! It means so much.

Unknown said...

Hi Pam. Yes! I know you are here for me and you have been a truly wonderful friend. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Carol, thank you so much for everything. It has truly been difficult to allow the world to see this vulnerable side but it has been the best thing.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much Ilene. You have been a Godsend to me these last couple of years. A friend like you is worth more than I could ever possibly repay. Love you!

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I am a regular everyday wife to Jason and mom to Christian and Georgia on a roller coaster ride. We are overjoyed to be welcoming a 3rd baby into our life. We feel blessed to be given such a special spirit in this 3rd baby. This is our journey to mend our baby's broken heart.

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