Sunday, November 24, 2013

Dr. Lacey Does It Again


Thursday started out a normal Thursday. I went to class and after school I received a phone call. It was Samantha in Dr. Lacey's office. She wanted to remind me of my appointment at 1 (the appointment has always been scheduled through Wolfson's and therefore the automated system calls me a couple of days before and I have to press whatever number to confirm. Dr. Lacey's office has NEVER called to confirm the appointment.) and to make sure my husband will be with me. The last two appointments my mother  and mother in law had attended with me and my father was planning on attending Thursday's appointment. So I said "well he wasn't planning on it" and Samantha said Dr. Lacey was specifically requesting he be there because they had quite a bit information to go over with the both of us. I said I would call my husband and try to get him there.

I called Jason at work and of all the days this was the one day he had tons of work to do. We were both hoping this was more of a "hey, we're getting close to delivery so we wanted to kinda go over things" but at the same time we have Fetal Clinic scheduled for December 6th to go over those things. He said he would make the time because if she's asking for him to be there it was obviously important. I called back just because I was curious and asked if the information was about delivery or about the diagnosis. I was informed it was about both. Great ~ Now I've got the next several hours to worry about what on earth the doctor could tell us. What could have changed between two weeks ago and now? and how would Dr. Lacey even know since she hasn't seen me in those two weeks?

I got to the appointment first. The agreement was I would text Jason once they were about 20 minutes from being done with the scan. They can take upwards of an hour so what was the point in making him sit through that? He was about 15 minutes away so that would give him time to get there before the doctor came in. When I got to Wolfson's to check in the woman said "oh, they just called asking if you were here yet". Really? I got there 5 minutes BEFORE my appointment. This anxiety to see me was making me even more anxious! Needless to say I wasn't sitting for very long with the Cable lady came and got me. (her last name is cable...) She did the scan, I texted Jason, Dr. Lacey came in for a couple more views, Jason got there and we sat down to hear the news.

Forgive me for not having all the information from that appointment but there was a point where I couldn't breathe, much less write.

Dr. Lacey starts by telling us she has been in several meetings the last two weeks. (remember, we famous. Now we're about to become infamous!) She has met with her Cardiologist team, the surgical team, the high risk team, the this team, the that team.. they all have the same opinion. Baby Brother is not well. They have been watching his atrial septum deteriorate over the last couple of scans and just as she expected, it is even worse with this scan. I've said before his atrial septum must be open and floppy. His has thickened and become restricted. At the last appointment she explained the need for an atrial septostomy. This hasn't changed. The difference is now it's even more dangerous. There is a number grading system for the seriousness of the restriction of his atrial septum. They take his scans and the doppler from those scans and they measure length between one output and the other and come up with this grade. 5 or greater is a mild restriction. 5 or less is moderate to severe restriction. (I'm still curious what 5 actually means...) So Baby Brother's grade was 4. This indicates moderate to severe but Dr. Lacey is confident his restriction is not moderate. At the last appointment he presented with a mild case but the appointment two weeks before that he was still open and floppy so you can see the deterioration in his condition. {Side note ~ I'm sweating just typing all this out. Takes me back to being at the appointment where my face went flush, there was ringing in my hears and it sounded like the Charlie Brown teacher trying to talk to us} This situation is putting increased pressure on the lungs and pulmonary veins in the heart.

Extraordinarily high risk. That is the description she used over and over again. She has downgraded his survival chances. He was given 80% originally. Now she said it's "50/50 and it may not be that good".

We now have two options

Option 1:

Planned C-Section to be performed in the Wolfson's Heart Cath Lab. This has NEVER been done before at Wolfson's. Ever. Jason asked if they would name the procedure after me. Dr. Lacey laughed and said "maybe the room".

Option 2:

Do nothing and enjoy what little time we may have with him holding him, loving him, kissing him, taking pictures with him and then letting him go.

{sorry ~ will go into greater detail of these options in different posts as this is causing me too much pain right now. And there is so much information.}


Janelle Heath said...

Oh Cassie! My heart is squeezing just reading this. Our prayers are with you and the tough choices you have to make! Love you!!

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I am a regular everyday wife to Jason and mom to Christian and Georgia on a roller coaster ride. We are overjoyed to be welcoming a 3rd baby into our life. We feel blessed to be given such a special spirit in this 3rd baby. This is our journey to mend our baby's broken heart.

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