Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A New OB

Since I will be delivering at Baptist I had to get a new doctor that delivers at Baptist. My lazy doctor only wants to deliver at Orange Park and St. Vincents. :/ I kid really. Dr. Hyler's office is probably one of the busiest single doctor practices I've ever seen. He is a highly regarding OB and has even been voted by the OPMC nursing staff as their favorite. Well, I'm sure "favorite" wasn't the word that was used but I can't remember the honor given to him but it was based on the votes by the nurses as the doctor they like working with. Anyway, it was upsetting to learn I wouldn't be able to have him deliver Baby Brother. His office was the most sympathetic when they heard the news. The other offices acted as if it was no big deal, they deal with craziness all the time. But Dr. Hyler and his staff were really wonderful. One of his office staff even had her baby on my birthday in my honor. At least that's what I'll tell myself.

I had my first visit with my new doctor on Friday and I have to admit I was happy. I didn't know what to expect but my friend had used the same doctor with one (or maybe more) of her kids and her sister works there. I know her sister and the sister's daughter so already I felt a bit of a bond with the office. I didn't have to wait forever (if you've ever been a patient of Dr. Hyler you know what I'm talking about!). As a matter of fact for being a new patient they had me in and out of there pretty quickly. Hopefully that remains the case.

Everything was good. My blood pressure was 132/70 and there was no protein in my urine. I have to watch it closely since Christian was premature due preeclampsia and high blood pressure along with protein in the urine is the first signs of it.

Dr. Glas is who I met with. She said she would most likely be delivering me but that if I went into labor over the weekend it could be anyone. I explained once my kids are settled in my belly they do not want to come out! I was induced with Christian and after 12 hours was dilated a centimeter. That's why they did the C-Section. So with Georgia she was a repeat section and I had her 3 days before my due date. At 3 days before my due date I still hadn't dilated at all. Not at all. So I don't think we have much to fear with Baby Brother. Although it does appear he enjoys forging his own way.

So, it looks like, if everything goes well and he doesn't decide to keep letting his heart grow out of control, that Baby Brother will have a birthday of January 6th or 7th of 2014. So either he'll share a birthday with Mr. Bean or Katie Couric. Let's just pray he doesn't share one with Christian.


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I am a regular everyday wife to Jason and mom to Christian and Georgia on a roller coaster ride. We are overjoyed to be welcoming a 3rd baby into our life. We feel blessed to be given such a special spirit in this 3rd baby. This is our journey to mend our baby's broken heart.

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