Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blood Glucose

Did I mention I failed my one hour blood glucose test? So, yeah, I got to go and take the three hour test. And can I tell you how much fun that was??

I walk in already starving. My body has this way of knowing when I've left the house. I'm fine and then I leave and I'm all the sudden starving. So I started eating before I leave the house. Making sure to take 2 minutes to grab something because anything is better than a drive through. But guess what. I'm full leaving my driveway and then I'm STARVING as I'm driving down the road. But if I were to stay home all day my body would be fine having a quick bowl of cereal and nothing else. Weird!

Ok, so I'm already starving and it's getting later in the morning and the woman said "Are you prepared to be here for 3 hours?" Let me see.... I walk in with my phone and my iPad so yeah, I think I'm good. She actually looked at me and said "you did know you were going to have to be here for 3 hours, right?" Seriously? I walked in and said I'm here for an appointment for the 3 hour glucose test. So, no. I didn't realize that a 3 hour test meant 3 hours. Maybe I'm a little sensitive days.... haha

So I sit and wait and this guy comes out and says my name but says it like Case-E. Well my name is Cassie as in C-ASS-ie. And all he said was the first name so I asked Cassie? And he looked at me and looked at the form and looked at me again and I said "you said Casey so I just want to make sure you meant Cassie" and again he looked stumped. So I said can you spell the first name of the person you are calling please? and he said C-A-S-S-I-E and I smiled and said "great! That's me!" This isn't annoying, by the way, I'm actually quite used to it. For those that know me in real life you know my sister is Casey and for those who don't know me in real life now that you know my sister is Casey you will never be able to pronounce my name right again. You will always say "Casey, I mean Cassie". And when you talk about my sister you will say the same thing just reversed. Happens every time. I answer to Casey most times, which is why I answered the guy in the first place. I just want to make sure there wasn't a Casey in the waiting room too. Cautious. That's me!

So he takes my blood and then gives me the sugar drink which was fruit punch flavored and it was delicious .(The problem with blogging is you can't pick up on someone's sarcasm. Is there an emoticon for sarcasm? If so I need it!) I had to drink it all in 5 minutes. I may have even texted Case-E and said something like "takes me back to my days in Provo. Chugging Kool-aid". For non-Mormons that's actually pretty funny :-) So I chugalug this yum-o drink and am instructed to go back to the waiting room to wait out my hour. Wait! What? The waiting room? You don't have a neat little room tucked away in the back for us all dayers to go sit in with a tv and recliner? Seriously I have to do this test before and the place I went had all that! Nope. He was serious. I had to sit in the waiting room. In the waiting room they didn't even have magazines available. Good thing I had the trusty iPad. I just wish I had a jacket. That places was freakin freezin Mr. Bigglesworth!

An hour comes and goes and the guy finally comes out and calls my name and then proceeds to reprimand me for not noticing an hour had gone by. Apparently they get so busy that it's the patient's responsibility to remind them when it's time. So we just added 30 minutes to this already too long process. So he goes to take my blood again and it hurts. I'm a baby and hate my blood being drawn but I usually reserve my baby side for people I know. In front of strangers I try to be brave. But this guy HURT! Seriously hurt! He blamed my vein. Said it moved on him. I'm no phlebotomist but I've had blood drawn many times before and I've never had someone say my vein moved. I'm sure it could happen but it just sounded like an excuse when it should have been an apology. So he draws blood and then puts the cotton and tape on it and scoots me back out to the waiting room. This time I set my alarm and when the alarm went off I was back in his room!

The third draw, at hour two, he ripped off the tape and drew blood and again it hurt. By this time I'm cursing the guy under my breath. And then at the fourth draw, hour three finally!, he rips off the tape again and hurts me again with the blood draw. With all the tape ripping I then had a rash along with the sore spot he kept drawing blood from.

Here we are a week and a day later and I still have a bruise where he drew my blood. And some remnants of tape if you must know.

I forgot the best part! (Insert sarcastic emoticon here) A girl came in. My age, maybe a little younger. She was there for her ONE hour blood glucose test. Her OB sent her there for the test because they didn't do it in the office. They called her up and asked her if she was ready to spend an hour there. She actually asked them if she could leave after drinking the Provo juice to go get something to eat because she was so hungry. The front desk girl said "no!" and explained she had to be there for an hour. She came back into the waiting room and did nothing but complain for 20 minutes about how hungry she was and she would NOT be able to sit through an hour test and not being able to eat anything. "How do you expect a pregnant woman to go without food for an hour?!?!" (she is the reason they ask if you realize you have to be there x amount of hours. I get it now!) Is. She. Kidding. Me? She finally decided she wasn't waiting and she left with her girlfriend. Yes, girlfriend. And not a moment too soon because I was quite literally about to walk over to her and rip her face off!


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I am a regular everyday wife to Jason and mom to Christian and Georgia on a roller coaster ride. We are overjoyed to be welcoming a 3rd baby into our life. We feel blessed to be given such a special spirit in this 3rd baby. This is our journey to mend our baby's broken heart.

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