Sunday, October 6, 2013

Before September 23, 2013

Jason and I found out on May 13th of this year we were expecting Baby #3. At first we were filled with SHOCK! Neither one of us were expecting this kind of news but once the shock wore off we were elated. A new baby. The smells. The giggles. The littleness. The love. We are looking forward to so much of that and more!

My first doctor's appointment was uneventful. They confirmed a due date of January 12, 2014 and gave me some prenatals and that was about it. One thing that did come from this appointment was the fact I am over the age of 35 so that classifies me as having an "advanced maternal age" and with a previous preemie (my oldest, Christian, was born 2 months early due to preeclampsia and weighed in at a whopping 2 pounds 6 ounces) they referred me to a specialist for a Level II Ultrasound.  August 12, 2013 we went for our ultrasound and they confirmed we were having a BOY! I cried tears of joy and our daughter, Georgia (4), was sooooo excited. She has been referring to him as Baby Brother ever since. Baby Brother was quite the mover and shaker during this ultrasound but they were able to get what they needed and everything was great. They scheduled me for a follow-up for 6 weeks later to make sure Baby Brother was progressing as he should and they scheduled that appointment for September 23rd. The next six weeks flew by and Baby Brother was hitting every milestone. During the August 12th appointment they confirmed Baby Brother had an anterior placenta and that's why I wasn't feeling him as much. Basically he was behind the placenta so most of his kicks were going into that instead of me. I stupidly complained about this because I was so anxious to feel him. Let me tell you, I should have been enjoying that! This little stinker can really kick! Now that he's bigger I'm wondering if he's going to play soccer for his Daddy's beloved England! I think he's that good already.

As a mother I have had so many thoughts and dreams about this little guy. I want to register him for things I was never able to do with Christian. Football, Baseball, Soccer, whatever he wants to do. As a single mom to Christian I was always working and never had the opportunity to take him to practices as they were during the work day but I longed to have him on a field somewhere. I can't wait to get Georgia into dance and gymnastics and even cheerleading. Some of the things I enjoyed as a little girl. I can't wait to take Baby Brother to England to show him off to his Daddy's family. He is the first biological grandson and will essentially carry on the David Clarkson family name. I couldn't be prouder to be the mother of the son who will carry on such a beautiful family name. I have imagined his graduation from college and being at the Marriott Marquis on draft night as my baby's name is called as the first overall pick. I have already felt the love that he will bring into our lives. So many hopes. So many dreams. And then September 23rd came......


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I am a regular everyday wife to Jason and mom to Christian and Georgia on a roller coaster ride. We are overjoyed to be welcoming a 3rd baby into our life. We feel blessed to be given such a special spirit in this 3rd baby. This is our journey to mend our baby's broken heart.

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