Saturday, November 23, 2013

10 out of 10

Tuesday started my next round of doctors' appointments. Yay :/

I went to the ROC on Tuesday and everything seemed to go well. They did a biophysical sonogram measuring all sorts of interesting things. The amount of amnio fluid and how many breaths Baby Brother took and some other things. The highest score possible is a 10 out of 10. This is the same sonogram they did with Christian when they made the decision to go ahead and try to induce me. Christian scored a whopping 4 out of 10 so the doctors said get him out now! and that's what they did.

During the scan the tech asked about Baby Brother's heart. She didn't understand Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and what it entailed. So I told her it meant the left side of his heart wasn't pumping correctly - if at all - and she responded with "so that's why it looks like it's sitting dormant". Yeah, that's why. She did see some blood flow through the left side and I explained we've been told the left size squeezes more as a spasm to the right side doing its job. I'm not trying to be a jerk here but if they know you've got something that's going to show up on the sonogram shouldn't they assign a tech that understands the condition? Had she not asked me she would have run to the doctor to say she found a problem with his heart. I know that an ultrasound tech can't possibly know every congenital heart defect out there but when you work in a high risk obstetrics office you should probably make an effort to know them. Just my humble opinion.

She finished the sonogram. Told me Baby Brother was weighing in at 4 pounds 9 ounces and was in the 60the percentile for size. Good news because as I've been saying the bigger the better. Then she went to get the doctor. Doctor came in, looked at the scans and said things were looking pretty good. So far Baby Brother was scoring an 8 out 8. I just needed to do a 10 minute non-stress test to get the final two points. They moved me to another room and put me on the machine with bands wrapped around my belly. They were measuring heart rate and if I was having contractions.

Contractions are a funny thing for me. Let me go on record right here and now to say I have NEVER had a contraction. Never. What I did have in the beginning stages of labor with Christian is what I would call menstrual type cramps but nothing more than that. My labor with Christian was induced with medicine and after 12 hours I had dilated a centimeter (or less really) and with Georgia I was a scheduled C-Section. She was delivered 3 days before her due date. Not a week! 3 days! And 3 days before my due date I hadn't started dilating at all. So I try to explain to these doctors my babies are far too happy inside. They do not want to come out. Contractions are non-exsistent.

Obviously the monitor said I was having no contractions and his heart rate was great so Baby Brother scored 10 out of 10. Yay! He doesn't get evicted just yet. He can stay to grow a little longer. And lucky for me I get to go back every stinkin week until Baby Brother is pulled from my belly. Every week. Across town. Every. Stinkin. Week. I'm not bitter.


Angela said...

I finally have a computer to use and get caught up on your blog!! I don't enjoy typing on my phone. I love the way you express yourself! It's like having you right here!

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I am a regular everyday wife to Jason and mom to Christian and Georgia on a roller coaster ride. We are overjoyed to be welcoming a 3rd baby into our life. We feel blessed to be given such a special spirit in this 3rd baby. This is our journey to mend our baby's broken heart.

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