Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Luckiest Google Search Ever Performed

The Wednesday before Thanksgiving started out a normal Wednesday. Wednesday morning routines were completed and the kids and I were home.

Wednesday afternoon I sat in front of the computer and started to google. I knew there was a children's hospital in St. Petersburg but that was all I knew. So I googled "childrens hospital st. petersburg" and the first thing that popped up was All Children's Hospital. At this point I can promise you I had no control over my fingers. They were being led in a way I had never thought possible. Next thing I know the number had been dialed and a woman answered. I asked if they had a pediatric cardiologist and she said "of course, I'll transfer you" and then Linda answered the phone. The first thing I said was "Linda I have no idea why I'm calling you but here is my situation" and I proceeded to tell her everything. I started from the original diagnosis to the options to the phone call and change in plans." Her response "you are calling me because you want help for your son" and I cried. I had been crying the whole time but was trying to keep it together. But here I was crying again. I barely squeaked out a "yes" and she told me she would transfer me to Pam in doctor something's office (I couldn't remember or understand through all my tears). I was on hold for a little bit when Linda came back and said Pam was in transient from one office to the other and asked me to leave a message on her voicemail. "Tell her your the mom I just spoke to her about and she will call you back when she gets into the office" she said. Then she transferred me. I left a very long voicemail and wasn't sure she would be able to understand me through the tears but I told her what I had told Linda. As it was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving I knew for sure I wouldn't hear from her until Monday. I laid on my couch and attempted a nap. About 45 minutes into my nap my mom called and I talked to her and in the middle of talking to her my other line beeped in with a 727 area code. "Mom I gotta go, this is the doctor's office"

"Hi, is this Cassie Clarkson?"
"Yes, this is Cassie"
"Hi Cassie, this is Pam in Dr. Huhta's office. I have Dr. Huhta on the line and am going to connect him in"
"OK, thanks"
"Hi, Cassie, this is Dr. Huhta, tell me what's going on with your son"

First of all I couldn't believe I was talking to the doctor. I'm not his patient and neither is my son but here he is taking the time out of his day to talk to me about all of this.

So I proceed to tell him the entire story. Of course leaving out the emotional side of it since he's a doctor and time is precious and I wanted to get to the medical point. So once I paused for a breath he asked "OK, so what is it you're looking for from me? Do you want me to look at their scans? Do you want a second opinion? Do you want me to call Dr. Lacey and ask her why the change in treatment course?" and I sat for a minute before telling him I wanted a second opinion. He asked what kind of second opinion. He can look at the scans and see if he sees something different or I can go to Tampa/St. Pete so he can look at me. I asked what he preferred and he said he prefers me going to Tampa so he can look at me with a fresh set of eyes. He won't know exactly what Dr. Lacey saw and so we will have a true second opinion. I agreed and said I would go to Tampa.

"Great! Pam actually transferred you to my cell so I want you to call her back and tell her I want to see you at my next available appointment. But before I let you go I want you take down these numbers. Got a pen?"
"OK, 727 - (telephone number), that's my cell phone. You call me anytime! 727 - (another number), that's Pam's cell phone. If you can't get me you can call her. She knows how to reach me all the time. And you have the office number. I will see you soon"
"Thank you so much! I will call Pam right now!"

Seriously, what doctor gives you his cell phone number? Especially when you aren't even his patient???

I called Pam back and told her what he said and Wednesday, December 4th at 1 was the next available. A week away. I'll take it! She then asked me if someone referred me or how was it I came to call their office. I said I was embarrassed to admit it but I googled childrens hospital st pete and she laughed. Then said:

"That is the luckiest google search you will have ever done!"

Then she, in her own way, dared me to google the doctor's name. She said he is world renowned for his work with atrial septostomies and quite literally wrote the book on them.

After hanging up with her I accepted the challenge of googling him and found his resume online. All 49 pages of it! He has trained everywhere. He even trained in London at the children's hospital there which Jason was thoroughly impressed with. Turns out the hospital in England is the equivalent to St. Jude's or Johns Hopkins here.

There was a warning though. Dr. Huhta said to be prepared. He may find they are right on track, or that it isn't as bad as they say, or things are worse off and Wolfson's is being polite to save my feelings and emotions. Well, if this is Wolfson's way of saving my feelings or emotions I'm scared to ask what they would tell me if they didn't care about them. :/

I went to bed that night with hope. Hope that had been taken away from me at Wolfson's. I know this baby better than anyone and I know he is a fighter and I know the power of prayer. Yes, a smidgen of hope was back. Even if he told me things were as Dr. Lacey has said at least I would have the second opinion that I didn't have a week ago.


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I am a regular everyday wife to Jason and mom to Christian and Georgia on a roller coaster ride. We are overjoyed to be welcoming a 3rd baby into our life. We feel blessed to be given such a special spirit in this 3rd baby. This is our journey to mend our baby's broken heart.

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